Read the full Article originally published by published by Container Journal

Modernizing legacy applications in large companies operating software that spans decades is challenging. The organizational and technical hurdles range from collaboration and alignment to new technical paradigms and workforce up-skilling.

This collection of lessons learned – part one of two – focuses on people and processes. 

These are the organizational lessons learned in migrating legacy applications to microservices shared in this article:

  • Develop a team structure (the one that worked for legacy applications won’t work for agile microservices).
  • Prepare the field with a small group of trailblazers, then scale to more teams.
  • Define an ownership model and RACI for microservices.
  • Reorganize high-performing teams with care (they are the treasure of a company).
  • Keep a close eye on processes that give the illusion of control (and actually slow down the delivery of value).
  • Plan for production-only issues.
  • Reserve capacity for innovation.

Read Part Two – Technical Lessons in Legacy to Microservices Modernization. Let us help your organization unlock the power of modern technology. Contact Us