Software Product Development

Software Product Development

Creating Software Factories that Accelerate and Enable Development so you can delight your users with amazing digital products.

Innovative Excellence

We bring together the disciplines of Software Engineering, Product Management and Design & Experience to deliver digital solutions that resonate with users and ensure successful adoption in the marketplace.

Design and Experience

Understand your users. Design and test hypothesis and iterate with users.

Product Management

Take a product-based approach and not a project-based one. Focus on outcomes not outputs.

Software Engineering

Best practices and modern patterns for writing high quality code that performs efficiently.

Areas of Expertise


360° Application Assessment

Know where you are currently before paving the path for where you want to go.
We bring immense velocity and quality to developing a modernization roadmap, discussing business objectives and telling you what you "need to hear" not just what you "want to hear". Some common points of discussion:
  • Re-platforming vs. Re-factoring.
  • Microservices or not.
  • New programming language adoption or stick with old ones.
  • Investing in Test Automation and Quality Engineering.
  • Cloud Native or not.
  • Continuous Delivery or not.

Reliable and secure

Oteemo’s experienced team addresses the complexities of technology integration across businesses. We create software factories that streamline and secure application development, focusing on standardization, automation, and continuous improvement.
Monolithic applications and codebase modernization to enhance efficiency.
Lifecycle Management
Deployment, lifecycle prioritization, and regression testing to ensure stability.
Continuous upskilling and staying current with technological advancements.
Process Optimization
Standardizing and automating processes using agile methodologies for seamless development.

Cloud Native Oriented

IT organizations moving to the cloud often miss an opportunity to maximize their investment by optimizing their applications. Cloud infrastructure provides the elasticity, scalability and on-demand access to a shared pool of compute resources (servers, storage, network etc.).
Easy Management
Cloud-native applications are designed to be easy to manage and maintain. You can seamlessly integrate them with all your business operations while cutting back on the amount of time and energy it takes to keep less compatible programs running smoothly.
Lower Expenses
Thanks to the reliability of cloud-native apps, you can decrease your company downtime. As productivity soars, you will become a more efficient business and lower repair expenses while increasing profits.
Increased Customer / Client Satisfaction
A higher level of productivity means your business can respond and provide service to your customers better and faster than you could with other programs. When your customers or clients walk away feeling satisfied, there is a higher chance they’ll choose you again in the future.

These compute resources can be rapidly provisioned with minimal effort and potentially no human interaction. However, traditional or legacy applications within enterprises were not designed to take advantage of the cloud computing model and architectures. And when organizations migrate their workloads into the cloud, they do so in a direct lift-and-shift pattern.

The applications are not being modified to maximize the efficiencies of cloud-native. Even newer green-field applications are often built following traditional application development design patterns. What you end up with when following this model is an “App in the Cloud” and not a “Cloud App”.

This approach results in applications that are not agile when the underlying infrastructure is agile and applications that cannot scale up and down rapidly based on business demands despite an underlying infrastructure that could scale and be elastic. Eventually if the applications cannot respond in a faster manner to changing business needs, the entire business suffers.

Cloud-native apps help prepare your business for new developments in the industry and information technology, allowing it to grow and change with evolving standards. Many organizations choose to invest in cloud computing technology because it offers more flexibility, space, and connectivity than local databases do. If you make the switch to the cloud for all of your system operations and data collection, you need applications and programs that are fully compatible and scalable with the cloud computing delivery model. This will allow all your business processes to run more smoothly so you can save valuable time and increase revenue.


Developer Enablement

Many consulting firms claim the ability to enable IT teams transformations, yet most write themselves into the script, handcuffing customers to them inevitably. We up-skill and re-skill IT teams, working side-by-side with our customers, mentoring and teaching them through formal and informal training, improving documentation and sharing knowledge across all levels to help developers accelerate adoption.
Deliver desired business outcomes that maximize ROI using defined goals, organized teams, and roadmaps.
Ensure successful business and technology solution adoption by enabling users and customers along the technology journey.
Rapidly implement secure, reliable, and scalable solutions with codified knowledge built from solving mission-critical DevSecOps and cloud challenges.
Unlock the power of modern technology.

See how Oteemo can support your cloud migration
and development efforts

360° Application Assessment

This process evaluates both your current application and business objectives, providing a detailed roadmap for effective modernization. Extensive experience in complex assessments ensures quality and speed.
Comprehensive assessment and evalaution

Human Centered Design

Enhance functionality and integration into daily workflows, thereby facilitating improved user satisfaction and engagement in software solutions.
Priotize users needs and experiences

Legacy modernization

Upgrade and modernized outdated legacy applications into cloud-native frameworks, increasing efficiency, scalability, and security, significantly reducing operational costs and increasing agility in business processes.
Modernize and transform legacy applications

Read about our work in Case Studies

VDH Organizational Transformation: Agile Adoption at Scale and DevSecOps Modernization

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the critical role technology plays in health service delivery; the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) was significantly challenged to provide real-time system capabilities for tracking infections rates, vaccines, and data exchanges with partners. VDH made IT modernization a top priority to ensure its readiness to respond to future health crises. […]

Sep 01, 2024

Oteemo Helps Mednax Reduce Deployment Time From Months To Minutes

“Our IT mission, like our company mission, is to take great care of the patient™ every day and in every way. We do this by developing solutions and technology with highly disciplined and rigorous engineering practices, processes, and solutions. Oteemo’s help in developing and implementing measurable, quality-focused practices has significantly increased the pace of integration […]

Apr 21, 2021

This is what our customers say about our approach

Talk to our Cloud-Native Transformation Architect

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As passionate technologists, we love to push the envelope. We act as strategists, practitioners and coaches to enable enterprises to adopt modern technology and accelerate innovation.
We help customers win by meeting their business objectives efficiently and effectively.

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